Star Wars #58 Action Figure Variant: Nien Nunb & Leia Organa in Yavin Gown

Hey there Star Wars fans!

2 action figure variant covers to show you today, and both are for Star Wars issue fifty eight. First up we have Nien Nunb who will be the standard release in all good comic book stores. Then we have the John Tyler Christopher exclusive which will be available on his website. This time JTC has opted to pay respect to Carrie Fisher by creating a stunning cover of Leia Organa in her Yavin Gown. The artwork for this cover is beautiful, with the likeness to Carrie absolutely spot on. John will also be donating a portion of the sale to the Make-a-Wish foundation which was a charity very close to Carrie Fisher’s heart. A fantastic gesture by John and further proof of what a top guy he really is. Even more reason to make sure this exclusive cover is a sell out!

As for Nien Nunb, everyones 2nd favourite co-pilot speaks for himself. Another great cover for the collection.

Check out the 2 covers for Star Wars #58 below:

Star Wars #58 Niem NunbStar Wars #58 action figure variant, Leia Organa Yavin Gown

If you are collection these amazing covers, check you have them all on my checklist.