LEGO Reveal 4 New Lego Star Wars Sets

Hey Lego Star Wars fans,

Today is a good day! The LEGO group have released images of 4 new Lego Star Wars sets due to be released this Fall/Autumn. It’s great to finally see offical images of these sets especially the Snoke thone room set with the cool looking Pretorian Guards! I cannot wait to get my hands on these when they come out. I already have the UCS Sandcrawler so may pass on the new smaller version but the X-Wing will be on my list the day they are released.

Check out the images below:

75214: Anakin’s Jedi Starfighter

75214 Anakin's Jedi Starfighter

75216: Snoke’s Throne Room

75216 Snoke's Throne Room

75218: X-Wing Starfighter

75218 X-Wing Starfighter

75220: Sandcrawler

75220 Sandcrawler

What do you think of these new Lego Star Wars sets? Let me know in the comments!