When the animated series The Clone Wars premiered in 2008, a new era of Star Wars began. The show immediately became a fan-favorite and today, many highlight it as the best thing to happen to the franchise. Luckily for fans of LEGO Star Wars, the LEGO group had already released an entire wave of LEGO Star Wars Clone Wars sets in anticipation of the inevitable success of the series.
The movie and TV show did not just introduce countless new characters and lore but it gave us, the fans, a whole new world of collectibles, whether that be LEGO Clone Wars sets or even action figures. Over the years, the set releases never ceased, even after the show was canceled in 2014.
Fortunately for us, in 2019, at a time when the future of the franchise was uncertain, Disney announced the return of The Clone Wars for one final season. To honor the long-anticipated last season of the incredible show, we have prepared a list of the 10 Best LEGO Star Wars The Clone Wars Sets.
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10. Republic AV-7 Anti-Vehicle Cannon (75045)
The Republic AV-7 Anti-Vehicle Cannon is perhaps one of the most underrated sets in the entire history of the LEGO Star Wars The Clone Wars subcategory. It could be because this set was a store exclusive in a lot of countries which is why many fans did not have the chance to purchase it.
I believe LEGO did a perfect job in the design of the anti-vehicle cannon which we saw in the original Clone Wars movie from 2008. With this incredible cannon and the outstanding Minifigure selection, I truly wonder why this set did not receive more attention.
Year: 2014
Piece Count: 434
Ages: 8 – 14
Minifigures: Plo Koon, Wolfpack Clone Trooper x2, Droideka
Original Retail Price: $39.99
9. The Malevolence (9515)
This set is perhaps another unpopular choice for this list but when you look at it and compare it to The Malevolence arc in The Clone Wars, you will see how accurate this set is. In fact, I could have easily put this set at a higher position on my list if there weren’t so many unique sets to beat it.
When it comes to the Malevolence, I already mentioned how good the design was. It included a comfortable handle that allows you to carry it around effortlessly, something often missing from larger LEGO Star Wars sets. The interior design is detailed and features some nice play functions. Finally, the Minifigure selection was incredible, although I believe an additional droid or two would have made this set even more enjoyable.
Year: 2012
Piece Count: 1101
Ages: 9 – 14
Minifigures: Padme Amidala, Battle Droid, Count Dooku, Anakin Skywalker, General Grievous, Battle Droid Commander
Original Retail Price: $119.99
8. Armored Assault Tank (AAT) – (8018)
Moving on with an older set from all the way back in 2008 – the 8018 Armored Assault Tank. It is true that we have received many versions of this set throughout the years but I will surely rank this one from 2008 among the most worthy sets price-wise and thus, it also received a spot in this list.
Overall, the design of the 2008 AAT was quite accurate both in size, build, and color scheme. The build itself is definitely not repetitive and would give you a fun experience if you manage to find the set at a good price today.
As for the price that I mentioned above, the AAT came with a total of seven Minifigures. If you compare it to sets in this price range from recent years, you will see why I feel it deserves to be on my list of best LEGO Clone Wars sets. Overall, this was a great army building set but definitely not a set that impressed with playability.
Year: 2008
Piece Count: 407
Ages: 8 – 14
Minifigures: Yoda, Clone Trooper, Battle Droid x2, Super Battle Droid x3
Original Retail Price: $49.99
7. Republic Frigate (7964)
When it comes to underrated Clone Wars LEGO sets, I feel like the 7964 Republic Frigate would be somewhere around the top. In short, this was an incredibly well-priced set with an outstanding Minifigure selection, an accurate design, and an abundance of play features.
Before anything else, this set stood out with its Minifigures. It introduced three brand new characters in LEGO – Quinlan Voss, Commander Wolffe, and Eeth Koth. If you are die-hard Star Wars fan, you will understand why this set should have received more attention.
Besides the Minifigures and the sleek design, the 7964 Republic Frigate truly took playability to another level. The interior was extremely detailed and accessible through all the opening hatches. It featured several separate compartments that each gave something to play with.
Overall, this is a set that wouldn’t have been this cheap if it was to be released today. It was a great set for children, it was a great set for Minifigure collectors. If you have the chance to get it at a good price, do not think twice.
Year: 2011
Piece Count: 1015
Ages: 9 – 14
Minifigures: Clone Commander Wolffe, Wolf Pack Clone Trooper, Eeth Koth, Quinlan Vos, Yoda
Original Retail Price: $119.99
6. BARC Speeder with Sidecar (75012)
When this set came out in 2013, it became an instant hit among fans. It featured a solid BARC speeder but more importantly, a Phase II Clone Captain Rex. We could easily say that this is the main reason behind the success of this set and also why we put it so high on our list.
Nevertheless, the set also came with a brand new redesigned Obi-Wan Kenobi and two Commando Droids that are as rare today as they were back in 2013. In addition, the BARC speeder had an outstanding design.
Overall, I think that the only thing that could have made this set better would have been an additional Clone Trooper. Then, it would have been the perfect army building set and it would have had even more success.
Year: 2013
Piece Count: 226
Ages: 7 – 12
Minifigures: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Commando Droid x2, Captain Rex (Phase II)
Original Retail Price: $24.99
5. Venator-Class Republic Attack Cruiser (8039)
The only issue I could find about this set is the inaccurate size but if LEGO had to make it larger, it would have been twice as expensive, therefore, we shouldn’t consider this an issue. When you take this out, this was an outstanding set with an incredible Minifigure selection and a truly fierce design.
Back in the day, Senate Commandos in LEGO were non-existent. When this set was announced, the entire community was freaking out because of the two commandos that were to be included. In addition, the Clone Wars version of Chancellor Palpatine was incredibly accurate, although many believe that this was an incredibly ugly Minifigure.
Overall, this set was incredible for its time and I believe it still is up to this day. It did not impress with an abundance of play features although you could access Palpatine’s command center. Now that we have the Senate Commando Battle Pack, it does take a bit of the uniqueness of the Venator. Nevertheless, if you get the chance to purchase this set at a fair price, it will be a great addition to your collection.
Year: 2009
Piece Count: 1170
Ages: 9 – 14
Minifigures: Chancellor Palpatine, Senate Commando x2, Clone Gunner, Clone Pilot
Original Retail Price: $119.99
4. Republic Gunship (75021)
Now, I know that this LEGO Republic Gunship is not directly from The Clone Wars but instead, based on Episode 2: Attack of the Clones. We could easily throw the 7676 Republic Attack Gunship from 2008 in its place simply because it did come as a Clone Wars set but to be honest, the 2013 Gunship is a far superior set and it is practically the same vehicle.
With this said, the 2008 Gunship was definitely one of the absolute fan-favorite sets until the release of this newer version. However, the 75021 Gunship from 2013 was superior in absolutely every category. It came with a far more accurate and sleek design. It functioned a lot smoother and the Minifigure selection is incomparable to the old one.
As the Republic Gunship has always been one of the most demanded sets, the prices of both versions today are cosmic. You would be the luckiest person on the planet if you find each of the two at a decent price and you definitely should not miss on the opportunity if it ever occurs.
Year: 2013
Piece Count: 1175
Ages: 9- 14
Minifigures: Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padme Amidala, Super Battle Droid x2, Clone Trooper Captain, Clone Pilot
Original Retail Price: $119.00
3. Clone Turbo Tank (8098)
No LEGO Star Wars The Clone Wars list would be complete without a Clone Turbo Tank. With the oldest version being quite inaccurate and the latest one from 2015 being quite disappointing, we chose the 8098 Clone Turbo Tank from 2010.
When you compare it to the other versions, this one had the perfect size, playability features, and Minifigure selection. In my opinion, LEGO nailed it with the design here when you consider that this is a hard-to-design vehicle.
In addition, they did an even better job with the Minifigure selection. Honestly, this has to be one of my favorite selections ever in a Star Wars set with Cad Bane and Aayla Secura. Nevertheless, I feel like an additional Clone Trooper would have completed the picture as a single one just does not look fitting with a Clone Turbo Tank.
Similarly enough to the Gunship sets, Clone Turbo Tanks nowadays cost a fortune. Still, if you plan on getting one, definitely settle for the 8098 one from 2010.
Year: 2010
Piece Count: 1141
Ages: 9 – 14
Minifigures: Aayla Secura, Ahsoka Tano, Anakin Skywalker, Cad Bane, Clone Trooper
Original Retail Price: $119.99
2. Clone Walker Battle Pack (8014)
If you are new to the LEGO Star Wars community, you would most likely not understand why this set is placed on number two or why it is even on the list. Honestly, I placed it so high on the list because it is definitely the most impactful set in the entire 20 years of LEGO Star Wars.
When this set came out, it gave people the chance to build their own Clone armies at home. Quite literally, the Clone Walker Battle Pack was always entirely sold out. Everyone was freaked out over this set and everyone bought as many as they could. No other set has received as much attention as the Clone Trooper Battle Pack and this is ultimately why it is in this list.
Year: 2008
Piece Count: 72
Ages: 6 – 12
Minifigures: Clone Commander, Clone Trooper x2, Clone Gunner
Original Retail Price: $11.99
1. 10195 Republic Dropship with AT-OT
You were, undoubtedly, expecting to see the Republic Dropship at some point but in my opinion, there is no other set that could take the number one spot on any Clone Wars list. This behemoth of a set has to be one of the most unique sets ever made by LEGO. It could even be considered a LEGO Star Wars UCS set due to its size.
Ever since this came out in 2009, it has been the crown jewel in the Clone Wars category of sets and undoubtedly the most demanded set of all. Nowadays, you can hardly find the Republic Dropship for less than $800, can you imagine that?
Can you imagine a more perfect Clone Wars set in terms of design? Not only is it huge and extremely accurate but it had so many playability features that it would take time to remember all. Even so, this was definitely not suitable for younglings as the total weight of the set was over six pounds.
My only issue with this set was the Minifigure selection. For $250, I feel like there should have been at least two or three more Minifigures at a minimum. It only featured six Clone Troopers and two Clone Pilots. Can you imagine how much cooler it would have been if it had at least a couple of Jedi characters included?
Year: 2009
Piece Count: 1758
Ages: 14+
Minifigures: Clone Trooper x6, Clone Pilot x2
Original Retail Price: $249.99
Final Thoughts
The Clone Wars has literally become like a religion in the Star Wars community and it is no wonder why Season 7 was more anticipated than Episode 9: The Rise of Skywalker. Not only has it given fans countless incredible Star Wars stories and moments but also many unique LEGO Star Wars sets.
There are numerous other incredible sets that also deserve to be mentioned here like 9525 Pre Vizsla’s Mandalorian Fighter and 7930 Bounty Hunter Assault Gunship and the choice of the 10 best wasn’t easy. Nevertheless, I feel like I summarized the best and most impactful sets from the past 12 years and that you will easily agree with most of the choices.
As for the future, we can only hope that LEGO continues with the Clone Wars sets even after the final season ends.